
Valencia Clubs 2024-25
(Updated September 5th, 2024)
Welcome to Valencia's Inter-Cub Council (ICC) Hub. Please see below to find out how to start a new club or re-charter a club from last year. All clubs must have at least one VHS Staff advisor. 
Club Application & Advisor Google Forms are due on September 30th, 2024. 
Steps to starting/rechartering a club:
  1. Find a VHS Staff Advisor and complete the Advisor Google Form
  2. Fill out a Club Application Google Form. Note: ALL clubs (both new and returning) must complete both forms. 
  3. ASB will then review the application.  You will be notified via email if your club has been approved or not after the approval meeting.
All club fundraisers must be ran through ASB. Your ADVISOR must pick up and complete the "Potential Revenue Form", which is available at the Finance Office. Once the form is submitted, ASB will approve/deny the request each Wednesday during our weekly ASB Board Meeting. We will then let your ADVISOR know if the fundraiser has been approved/denied.
*Please submit the form on Monday/Tuesday the week before the proposed fundraiser.*
**Note: all funds raised WITHOUT approval will be deposited in the general ASB funds to benefit the study body.**
Hosting an On-Campus Event:
Please email Mrs. Paquet at [email protected] if you are interested in hosting an event for your club and would need to use Valencia's facilities (Example: Chess Tournament in the MPR).