23-24 P1 Living Earth Assignments

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Final Project Parking Spot  in Google Classroom

Final Project Parking Spot

This is where you put any materials related to your project and presentation. You can put your writing, notes, and other materials. You should have a presentation file or link such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, Flip, Prezi, etc... unless you are making a poster or 3D model that you will turn in...


Investigation 4 in Google Classroom

Investigation 4


Investigation 3 in Google Classroom

Investigation 3


Food Lab Support Materials in Google Classroom

Food Lab Support Materials

This is a parking spot if you are not in class on 5/23-5/24. This location also has resources to study about macronutrients and the relationship to biogeochemical cycles and human health/homeostasis.


Investigations 2 in Google Classroom

Investigations 2

These are the next investigations for 5/13 to 5/17


Investigation 1- Climate Change in Google Classroom

Investigation 1- Climate Change

The assignment is called Investigation 1. You will need to complete and upload this. You will do one reading for your group.


Investigation 0 (Human Impacts): Coral Reefs in Google Classroom

Investigation 0 (Human Impacts): Coral Reefs

These investigations help you to learn the skills to use on your Human Impact Project. They are separate assignments with points.


Human Impacts PART1  in Google Classroom

Human Impacts PART1

In this project, you will research a specific issue
that has a harmful effect on Valencia’s ecosystem or within your community, due to human influence and unsustainable practices. You will then create a solution to your problem and present it to your group.
●     Research of your topic (Cause and Effect).
●     Write an introduction (1 paragraph). Introduce the problem and why it is a problem in your opinion.
●     Write three research questions. These questions you will try to answer by gathering data outside.
●     Provide an introduction picture, the “anchor phenomenon” that shows your problem.


Ecology Diagram 1 Photo in Google Classroom

Ecology Diagram 1 Photo

Take a photo and upload here so I can see your group work and grade your individual contribution.


Biogeochemical cycles in Google Classroom

Biogeochemical cycles

These questions were cut and paste into our notebooks during class. You should leave enough space to answer the questions and write a diagram for each cycle.


Ecology Questions in Google Classroom

Ecology Questions

I'll collect these now that the third quarter grades are finished... They should be in your notebook. Just upload a picture

1.      What is an ecosystem and a habitat?
What is the difference?

2.      What is biodiversity? Why is it
important for a healthy ecosystem?

3.      Give examples of biotic and abiotic
factors that influence an ecosystem.

4.      Explain the concept of trophic levels
and how energy flows through an ecosystem.

5.      Differentiate between food webs and food

6.      What is the role of producers and consumers
in an ecosystem?

7.      How do decomposers contribute to
nutrient cycling in an ecosystem?

8.      What factors can influence the size and growth
of a population (Population Ecology)?

9.      How do different species interact with each
other within a community (Community

10.   What are the ecological consequences of habitat

11.   Describe the different types of symbiotic
relationships (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism).

12.   Explain the process of primary and secondary ecological

13.   There are . Explain the importance of one.

14.   What is climate change? How does it
impact ecosystems?

15.   What are some strategies used in conservation
biology to protect endangered species and habitats?

16.   Discuss the different types of pollution
and their ecological effects.

17.   What is sustainable living? How can we
reduce our ecological footprint?

18.   How do human activities affect ecosystems, and
how are we dependent on healthy ecosystems?

19.   What are some current ecological challenges we
face globally (e.g., invasive species, deforestation)?

20.   How can ecological research and knowledge help
us create a more sustainable future?.


Ecology Lab in Google Classroom

Ecology Lab

The paper version of the lab will be collected Friday for assignment credit. 
Some extra work can be done by using collected evidence (pictures) and trying to identify them. There are many ways to do this. For example, you could search online "birds of Southern California" (flowers/lizards/etc...) and compare your phots to the search results. You could also use Google Lens (this is a regular Google search by image, so you have to click the picture button in the search bar and then drag and drop). Trees can be hard for Google to identify, so you might have to describe the leaves, color, height, etc...). When you identify the organism, you can write the common name (like "fence lizard" below) and the scientific name of the genus and species (Sceloporus occidentalis). Drop them into a Word document and upload it to the classroom. Let's see what you discovered!


Creating Species (speciation) in Google Classroom

Creating Species (speciation)

Using the notes from class and readings in the Google Classroom (and other resources), write a claim about how the species examples have changed over time. Provide evidence that would support your claim. It does not have to be a true and correct claim, but it should make sense (logical sense).


Evolution Questions for Notebook (draft 1) in Google Classroom

Evolution Questions for Notebook (draft 1)

Assignment: Discussion Questions for Test
(Write questions and answers in your notebook).

1.       What is evolution?
2.       What is a theory? Is evolution “just a theory”?
3.       What is a species? Are all species related?
4.       What do genes have to do with evolution?
5.       Is evolution a random process?
6.      What is "survival of the fittest"? Is it the same as evolution?
7.      How does natural selection work?
8.      Do individual organisms evolve? How does evolution work?
9.      Did humans evolve from monkeys?
10.  What is extinction and why is almost everything that ever lived extinct?
11.  If fish became amphibians through the process of evolution, then why do fish still exist?
12.  Could primates ever evolve into some other humanlike creature?
13.  Are humans influencing the process of evolution? Give some examples.
14.  What is the relationship between human language/culture and evolution?
15.  What evidence exists for evolution?
16.  How old is the earth and when did life start on earth?
*17. Hominids are humanlike species. Humans are hominids called Homo sapiens. So, how long have Homo sapiens  existed? What about hominids?
18.  If extinction is a natural part of life on Earth, why should we care about protecting endangered species?
19.  How can we know what happened millions of years ago if no one was there to see it?
20.  Is evolution happening now? Why or why not?


Old work parking spot in Google Classroom

Old work parking spot

Old work that does not appear on AERIES or was not graded while Mrs. Howard was here, you can take a picture and park it here to get credit.


"Protein Synthesis" and "Mitosis/Meiosis" Worksheets parking spot in Google Classroom

"Protein Synthesis" and "Mitosis/Meiosis" Worksheets parking spot

This is from 12/8 and should be part of your notebook. You can take a picture and park it here to ensure full credit.


Genetic Engineering in Google Classroom

Genetic Engineering

Match, put in order, and upload.


"Making Monsters" parking spot in Google Classroom

"Making Monsters" parking spot

This is from 12/8 and should be part of your notebook. You can take a picture and park it here to ensure full credit.


Making Monsters II  in Google Classroom

Making Monsters II

As we talked about in class (and on the worksheet), you start with a normal animal/plant of your choice, then change at least five genes (we assume 1 gene=1 trait). You should draw a picture of your normal animal and your changed animal (or monster). The important part of the diagram is you need to show how your would use CRISPR (CAS9) to change the genes


Genetics Model (combined: 4 pictures of revisions and explanations would be best) in Google Classroom

Genetics Model (combined: 4 pictures of revisions and explanations would be best)

For a few weeks, we worked in groups to model what we are learning (this is what you have been doing on the posters). Each person must complete the assignment. Please insert the original picture of your model and the first revision. You need to explain what you talked about in your group for the first design and the first revision.


Muscle Strength: Form follows Function  in Google Classroom

Muscle Strength: Form follows Function

Answer the questions for 1-6. You may complete the answers on the worksheet or write them in your notebook. You will be graded based upon completeness and what was talked about in the videos. We will grade this Thursday.


Review in Google Classroom


Take a picture of your review and upload it to this assignment!


10/25 - Homeostasis CER in Google Classroom

10/25 - Homeostasis CER

Everyone will complete individually. PLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY!!

Add a slide to this assignment


10/19 - The Nervous System and the Endocrine System in Google Classroom

10/19 - The Nervous System and the Endocrine System

Directions: Watch the video and read the articles to answer the following question in CER format in your NOTEBOOK: How do the endocrine system and nervous system work together during the fight or flight response?

Claim: A short sentence briefly explaining how the two systems work together in the fight or flight response (no specific details)

Evidence: You must gather at least 1 piece of evidence from each of the articles and videos attached

Reasoning: Completely answers the question with specific details using the information gathered from the materials. You should have at least 2-3 sentences.


Is It Alive Investigation   in Google Classroom

Is It Alive Investigation


9/8 - Observations and Inferences in Google Classroom

9/8 - Observations and Inferences

Use the slide corresponding to your group. Everyone must participate!


Parent/Guardian Survey in Google Classroom

Parent/Guardian Survey

Please have your parent or guardian fill this out ASAP


Syllabus Quiz in Google Classroom

Syllabus Quiz


Student Survey in Google Classroom

Student Survey


8/30 - Safety Poster Jamboard in Google Classroom

8/30 - Safety Poster Jamboard

You and your group will create a “poster” on Jamboard in GC 
Your poster must VISUALLY represent the lab safety rules assigned to your group on the Jamboard slide 
You can show the rule being broken or followed
Explanation of rule must be added BUT no more than 5 words per rule
Every group member should be adding to the Jamboard 
Add your names to your assigned jamboard slide on the bottom right (first and last)
You will be presenting to the class 


8/29 - Picture of Model in Google Classroom

8/29 - Picture of Model

upload a picture of your model